Speaker: Professor Yijing YAN
Institution: University of Science and Technology of China
Co-Hosted By: Professor Xiao-Yuan LI
Dissipaton equation of motion (DEOM) [1,2] is a fundamental theory for open quantum systems, which explicitly treats both the reduced system and hybrid-bath (or solvation) dynamics. This is a second-quantization theory and generalizes the well-established HEOM formalism [3,4]. The latter is equivalent to the Feynman-Vernon influence functional path-integral dynamics [5], with the focus on the reduced system quantities only. Dissipatons are statistical quasi-particles that describe the influence of environments, as supported by the unified dissipaton algebra [1] and the dissipaton thermofield theories [6]. These enable the accurate DEOM evaluations on such as quantum transport [7], noise spectrum [2], and non-equilibrium thermodynamics problems [8], in strongly correlated fermionic and/or bosonic systems.
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